If you or your neighbour plan to undertake any building works on or near to a boundary, then certain legal procedures may have to be followed in order to comply with the Part Wall Act etc. 1996.
Despite its title, the Party Wall etc Act 1996 is not concerned solely with party walls. It regulates the relationship between neighbouring owners in the context of a number of specified types of construction work on, or in close proximity to, the boundary between adjoining properties. This work will often involve a party wall. In many cases, however, it will not.
Works which may trigger a party wall matter include:-
- Extension works
- Alteration works
- Demolition works
- Underpinning works
- Changes to boundary type including reduction of height
We can also undertake a photographic Schedule of Condition before works proceed so that we have an accurate record should any disputes regarding damage arise in the future.
Abercorn Surveyors Ltd has experience in acting as experts in Party Wall matters and can represent you in order to protect your interests.
NOTE:- It is normal procedure for Surveyor’s fees on both sides to be the responsibility of the party undertaking the works.