Most people think of a survey as something you have before buying a property but we provide a variety of surveys that suit homeowners and prospective purchasers. Once we understand your requirements, we will provide a clear and concise report that helps you understand the issues that are most important to you. We are always on hand should you have further questions to make sure you get the most from your survey.
Pre-Purchase Surveys
Do I need a Survey?
Purchasing a property is a decision we have to get right and this can only be done if you hold all of the key information. A lender’s valuation will not provide this valuable insight but a pre-purchase survey will. This short video from the RICS explains further.
Which Survey do I need?
This is dictated by the age, size, condition and type of property, as well as your future plans to alter or extend it. This short video from the RICS explains further.
Most people think of a survey as something you have before buying a property but we provide a variety of surveys that suit homeowners and prospective purchasers. Once we understand your requirements, we will provide a clear and concise report that helps you understand the issues that are most important to you. We are always on hand should you have further questions to make sure you get the most from your survey.
Pre-Purchase Surveys
Building Survey
A Building Survey Report (often called a Structural Survey) is well suited to larger/older houses which are more complex in nature. Often these properties have been altered and extended over time to suit current living trends.
This report is comprehensive in nature and will describe the construction of the property as well as detailing the condition of the structure and fabric. It will give technical advice on defects and remedial works required.
ISVA HomeSurvey Report Without Valuation
This is a new addition to our suite of Surveys and is now our default level 2 survey.
If you are confident the purchase price you have agreed represents Market Value or you are not concerned about value of the property, then this more economical version of the ISVA Home Survey Report may be for you.
This reduced service reports on all of the same building related issues as per the standard service above. If any significant issues are discovered that would affect value then comment will be made to this effect, however, no indication of the size of the impact will be given.
An insurance reinstatement figure is also not provided within this version of an ISVA.
Structural Reports
Abercorn Surveyors Ltd can provide structural reports for specific defects relating to residential and commercial properties. These reports will be prepared by a Chartered Building Surveyor.
Structural Reports are often required by Building Societies or Lending Institutions where a potential structural problem (normally structural movement) is highlighted on a Mortgage Valuation Report. A structural report is then required from a Structural Engineer or Chartered Building Surveyor.
Structural Reports can also be undertaken where movement has occurred to a property due to subsidence, landslip, heave or drainage damage.
Snagging Reports
Also known as Snagging Lists, these are mainly carried out on newly built or refurbished properties prior to moving in.
Crucially, we are independent of the developer or builder and often find defects which have been missed by in-house teams, particularly for larger developers. These issues can then be addressed before you move in and with minimum inconvenience.
While a HomeSurvey report will take a holistic view of the property, a Snagging Report focuses on the detail and so the two services accompany each other well.
ISVA HomeSurvey Report
The ISVA Homesurvey Report is very popular and is the equivalent of the RICS Homebuyers Report. It will advise on the general condition of the property, including comments on structural defects, dampness and timber problems, together with the general condition of the building fabric. The report will highlight urgent or significant repairs and will also comment on whether the agreed purchase price is considered to be reasonable. A valuation for insurance rebuilding purposes is also included with this report. download sample report
Specific/Single Defect Reports
A Specific Defect Report is normally commissioned where a building suffers from a specific defect or a series of related defects. A Specific Defect Report will provide detailed analysis on the likely causes of the defect and give advice on remedial works necessary to alleviate the problem. These reports are often commissioned by homeowners but are also applicable to clients looking to purchase a property.
Common defects include:- Dampness, Timber Rot, Defective building works and problems with conservatory additions.
Asbestos Reports
Asbestos was widely used in hundreds of products since the industrial revolution. Consequently, it can be present in places you would never think to look.
Commercial landlords have a well-established requirement to maintain an Asbestos Register, but according to current Health and Safety legislation and regulations, so do residential landlords and homeowners under certain circumstances.
Our Asbestos Surveyors are P402 qualified under the British Occupational Hygeine Society. We are able to carry out individual sampling of suspect materials, a refurbishment/demolition survey or management survey depending on your requirements. From this, you are then able to create and maintain an Asbestos Register and Management Plan which details the location, product, asbestos type, extent and if relevant, the condition of the asbestos containing material.
Commercial Property Reports
Prior to purchasing or leasing any form of commercial property it is wise to obtain survey advice before making a legal commitment to purchase. We can tailor our report to suit your business requirements so that you can be confident the property is fit for purpose.
Schedules of Dilapidation
Leases for commercial properties are normally specific in relation to the responsibility for carrying out works of repair to the buildings which are the subject of the lease itself.
It is considered good practice when a new lease is taken out or assigned to a new tenant, to carry out a Schedule of Dilapidation. A Schedule of Dilapidation is a detailed record of the condition of the building at a specific date. Much of the report is photographic. This schedule is then agreed by all parties and becomes legally binding.
A good Schedule of Dilapidations is considered essential to reduce the likelihood of disputes when a lease comes to an end or is the subject of an assignment to a new tenant.
Abercorn Surveyors Ltd can undertake Schedules of Dilapidation on all types of commercial property.
Landlord & Tenant Matters
Abercorn Surveyors Ltd can give advice or act on your behalf in the following Landlord and Tenant matters:-
- Rent reviews
- Lease renewals and assignments
- Leasehold valuations
- Landlord and Tenant disputes
- Repairing obligations
- Schedules of dilapidation