Specific/Single Defect Report
A Specific Defect Report is normally commissioned where a building suffers from a specific defect or a series of related defects. A Specific Defect Report will provide detailed analysis on the likely causes of the defect and give advice on remedial works necessary to alleviate the problem.
Common defects include:- Dampness, Timber Rot, Defective building works and problems with conservatory additions.
A Specific Defect Report is normally commissioned where a building suffers from a specific defect or a series of related defects. A Specific Defect Report will provide detailed analysis on the likely causes of the defect and give advice on remedial works necessary to alleviate the problem.
Abercorn Surveyors Ltd can undertake valuations for insurance reinstatement purposes. This figure is the cost of providing a like-for-like replacement should a building be damaged or destroyed by flooding, fire etc. It includes the cost of clearing the site and all fees involved in providing the replacement building. Insurance valuations are prepared using the latest BCIS guidance figures.